ফেব্রুয়ারী ১৭, ২০১৩

RockMelt: New Web Browser for Facebook Users

RockMelt has partnered with Facebook to provide you better Facebook chat, more Facebook integration, and a streamlined facebook.com experience.
RockMelt is a web browser designed around you and how you use the Web. RockMelt does more than just navigate Web pages. It makes it easy for you to do the things you do every single day on the Web: share and keep up with your friends, stay up-to-date on news and information, and search.

RockMelt is fast, secure, and stable because it’s built on Chromium, the open source project behind Google’s Chrome browser. It’s your browser – re-imagined and built for how you use the Web.

RockMelt is the first browser you log into, it unlocks your Web experience with your Facebook friends, your feeds, your favorite services, even your bookmarks and preferences. RockMelt is also the first browser to be fully backed by the cloud. This means you can access your personal browsing experience from anywhere, and you get quick updates from the people and sites that are important to you.

New Features:

Brand New Friend Edge
Expandable View with names and favorite status
Swappable Friend Edge and App Edge
Friend search
Chat status can now be changed to online / offline even easier
Option to hide offline friends
Improved context menu when right-clicking friends
Unified View of Friends: Favorite Friends and Other Friends now shown together
Drag-and-drop to remove or add friends to Favorites
Facebook Friend Requests, Messages, and Notifications
Confirm and reject Friend Requests
View and reply to Messages
See Notifications and the associated item of interest (status updates, links, or photos)
Unified Facebook.com and RockMelt Experience
Universal chat experience from RockMelt – no more duplicate chat windows and friend lists
Initiating chats on Facebook.com will open chats in RockMelt
Universal Friend Requests, Messages and Notifications right in RockMelt – no more duplicates on Facebook.com
New Facebook App with Photo Album Viewer
Quick access to your own Facebook Profile
Better Chat
Previous chat history now shown when chatting with friends
Improved notification when chats are received
Simplified chat window
Easy status updater
One-click Quiet Mode button
Twitter: Option for growl and taskbar notifications for incoming tweets

You can download it using following download button:

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